domingo, 15 de noviembre de 2015

Space debris

      We cannot see them, sometimes we forgot they are there. But the fact is that Earth's orbit is full of space debris, almost 17.000 units of rubbish are in orbit around Earth. They are made by humans, but the panic is pretty big when they fall on Earth. Space debris can be a danger, but usually they do not represent any threat.

       It is a fact that sometimes they fall on Earth due to the gravity. Some people find them in the middle of a field, and even near the shore, or, who knows, on their roof. The panic is pretty big when someone finds them. They tend to thik that is a sort of alien spaceship, commonly called UFO. But reality is far of that. Also, there are a lot of documented cases such as in Brazil, Australia or Murcia, in Spain.

      Physicists and astrophysicists of the NASA are thinking a way to clean up the space and the orbit of the Earth, but it is such a task. Instead, they make the gravity do its job, and sometimes they even push the rubbish onto the Earth, landing the objects on the ocean to prevent any harm to the population and to the buildings.

     Beyond the physical harm to the buildings or that sort of things, some people are concerned about the environmental problems that could happen, such as radioactivity, an explosive artefact or contamination of the fields or the oceans. Some of the objects that fell to the Earth are dangerous, but they are very well manipulated by the responsible organization.

   The falls are rare, but they can happen. The orbit is full of rubbish product of the many missions and space operations. However, it should be no panic: experts conclude they are not dangerous in any way, and they are not made by other intelligent beings from other planets but humans.


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